Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas fairs

There are lots of Christmas fairs here in France and we have gone to several of them. One of my favorites was the one held at the old Maillezais Abbey.
It was called the Foire de Noel de Bethléem.

There was straw on the ground, camels walking around and tents which housed the craft vendors. All this against the backdrop of the abbey. It was beautiful.

The man riding the camel got off and talked about Jesus. Really that is all I know. I missed the rest. When I saw that the kids were mesmerized by the camels I got in a little shopping. I could shop for things like this:

Another camel picture:

We also saw Santa Claus. Little Ellie is my last believer.

With Santa Claus was this guy. White wig, face painted black and black clothes. He was passing out candy for Santa. No idea who he is.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm....maybe that's what Santa looks like after going down everyone's chimney!
